PFW Partnership



We want to start by emphasizing that ANYONE is always welcome at the Plant Fort Worth table! Monthly lunches will continue, and will address different areas of mission, ministry and of course, church planting. Lunches are a great place to experience Plant Fort Worth, so the invite is open to any church/organization staff or leader, potential future church planter, spouse, etc.

However, as Plant Fort Worth exists for the sole purpose of “multiplying churches to saturate greater Fort Worth with the gospel together”, commitment is needed to know who’s coming together to pursue that goal together. For such a commitment to be made, clear expectations are needed.

So we have established two commitments: one for Plant Fort Worth partners — any church/organization who wants to bring your best to the table for the good of our city — and one for Plant Fort Worth’s Lead Team. You can see both commitments in our Vision Document. But you can fill out the Partner Commitment here: