
Our Values


The gospel is the joyful news that through the work of Christ on our behalf, God rescues and draws men and women into fellowship with him and with one another, and restores creation that we will enjoy this fellowship forever. Plant Fort Worth churches declare, live by, and cling to this gospel as the centerpiece of our message, mission, and ministry.


The Holy Spirit illuminates the Word of God and lifts up the Son of God to transform the church of God. We prayerfully strive to rely increasingly upon the Spirit of God to call planters into His harvest (Luke 10:2), to lead us to the locations where he leads to establish his church, and to provide all the resources we need to carry out his work. 


We do not exist to simply plant churches; we exist to make many more disciples among the lost people in Fort Worth. Jesus sent the church to make disciples of people of all cultures and tribes. Local churches are the primary venues where believers receive encouragement, inspiration, and vision to proclaim this “good news” to those who are separated from God.


Plant Fort Worth is comprised of several networks, denominations, and churches, committed to plant churches in the Fort Worth area. We joyfully choose to collaborate, humbly share best practices, learning, and resources for planting churches across the area. And we value each others’ relationships and beliefs, as we partner together for gospel saturation.

Plant Fort Worth Beliefs:

Plant Fort Worth has adopted the Lausanne Covenant, along with its Manila Manifesto, as a unifying statement of faith. The Lausanne Movement is a worldwide movement that mobilizes evangelical leaders to collaborate for world evangelization. We find an agreement on basic doctrine to be helpful, even as we celebrate nuances in each others’ secondary beliefs and ministry philosophies.


{multiplication over addition}

We value multiplication because in order to reach the growing and diverse population of Fort Worth it will take the exponential expansion of new church planters and churches.


{saturation with intentionality}

We value the saturation of gospel centered churches because in order to impact the city we must intentionally plant the gospel in every neighborhood and with every people group.


{together not separate}

We value collaboration because relationships built around gospel unity is what we need to reach the city. Anyone is welcome at the table, as we learn from each other and play nicely with each other.