For the first time ever, Plant Fort Worth is partnering with Exponential to host one of several Roundtables across the US. The goal is to learn together, as we "advance multiplication and collaboration in our region." We will learn together from national leaders such as Soong-Chan Rah, Léonce Crump, Edward Tate, Ed Stetzer, and Drew Hyun, as well as local leaders -- all in a roundtable setting with leaders from across the Fort Worth area.
Because of this unique opportunity, the day looks a little different: first, the roundtable is 11:30a - 4:00p at Doxology Bible Church. Second, the event costs $39 -- but as a small blessing to you in a hard season, Plant Fort Worth will cover the registration for one leader from each church who RSVP's by November 1. (Group rates are available for churches if multiple leaders want to join; you'll find info when you RSVP at We have a contingency plan in case we cannot gather in person, and all participants will follow COVID protocols assuming we can.
As churches across the area continue to respond to COVID in various ways, in a very real sense we’ve all stripped away long-held strategies, convictions, and means of discipleship. We’ve revised mission and ministry. Various leaders have discussed “starting over” or “replanting.” This Fall’s monthly roundtables are devoted to helping the foundational and tangible things that matter most, as we all continue to “reset.”